
We continue to respect, advocate and empower people with developmental disabilities as we display the spirit of One People, One World!
woman showing her art

Philosophy / History

Abantu Group believes all people have rights to self-determination and self-actualization. We at Abantu Group hold respect, advocacy, encouragement, empowerment, and support our highest priorities. Abantu, which in the Zulu language means humanity, was founded upon the highest ideals of support services to people with developmental disabilities.

What Makes Us Stand Out?

Sometimes, it is difficult to differentiate and build your own identity. We at Abantu believe that although it may be difficult, it is not impossible. We believe that it is more effective to provide the highest quality of services to our clients.

Here’s what we can provide:

  1. Excellent customer service.
  2. Maintaining strong relationships.
  3. We remain sensitive to people with developmental disabilities.


Abantu is building inclusive communities where people with developmental disabilities receive quality support for their valued life. Abantu also helps them gain their full potential by maintaining our social mission of their independence and self-sufficiency. People with a developmental disability, just like people everywhere, need physical comfort, encouragement, empowerment and, a sense of belonging. Abantu will continue contributing to a society that reflects its signature statement and purpose: ONE PEOPLE, ONE WORLD!

Our Values

  • Respect: Respecting not only the right but also the choices of everyone, including people with developmental disabilities.
  • Advocacy: Advocating, beyond support, for people with developmental disabilities.
  • Empowerment: Empowering people with developmental disabilities to gain their full potential.
  • Sensitivity: Maintaining sensitivity to people with developmental disabilities.


  • To continue to build inclusive communities
  • To empower and encourage people with developmental disabilities.

Join Us

Use our contact details for further information.